Blocker - Invalid project bindings for shared UEFN project

Explain the issue:
When trying to open a UEFN project shared between users, an error occurs stating that the project bindings are unaccessible except by the project owner.

Evidence: (If possible, please supply an image)

XXX project bindings are invalid or unaccessible by this user
You must be this project’s owner (YYY) to read (user=YYY_id,project_id=XXX_id)
Do you want to reset the bindings to create a new project on the content service?

If replicable, how:

  1. Create project with user 1’s Epic account
  2. Open the project in UEFN with user 2’s Epic account

Hi @cevans-sims and welcome to the forums. Thank you for the report, we’ll get someone to take a look.

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You will be able to use a web portal to change the ‘ownership’ of a UEFN project. This can be an individual, or a ‘Team’, and you can set what each Team member can do (edit/test/publish). This should be available soon.