Blocker - Custom assets - ContentBeaconV2 failed

During upload stage get this error:

LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Failed to distribute content due to (Failure ErrorCode=ContentBeaconV2.FailedToBuildManifestClient.Host, Failed Building manifest for EConsumerRole::Client with platform: Windows and error: Failure, Message=An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (, CookJobId:cf568a11-879a-440c-a1db-aaa70f6c501a,, ClientId:ee7a7ef8831745e99ee8c8eff454baac, RequestId:DDB2BDA606C94915A801C81A3FB60DEC, Message
=Extended error, Raw=ContentBeaconV2.FailedToBuildManifestClient.Host, Failed Building manifest for EConsumerRole::Client with platform: Windows and error: Failure, Message=An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (, CookJobId:cf568a11-879a-440c-a1db-aaa70f6c501a,, ClientId:ee7a7ef8831745e99ee8c8eff454baac, RequestId:DDB2BDA606C94915A801C81A3FB60DEC)
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Session -> Fail Activity: LoadingNewContent - Error updating content
LogValkyrieSummary: Failed to update content due to error.

When removing custom assets, error is resolved. But doesn’t give much information on what in the custom assets is causing the error.

I think this same thing happened to me a few minutes ago actually. I removed the asset and the error went away. And then when I replaced the same asset back into the scene I didn’t get the error again.

Have you checked for any duplicates of actor FortMinigameSettingsBuilding ? There should only be one.

Hey folks, the crew did a little digging here and based on the machine logs from this session we’ve got a bug causing a crash in the Shader Compiler in the backend. In this case it seems to be from the materials on “TheGreatSphinx1_Object028”, so it might only be necessary to remove that one object, or swap its materials to some working defaults to work around this. That said, we intend that you should never be able to cause a crash like this. :slight_smile: Can we get some more details on the material on that object if that looks familiar?

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