Blocker - Constantly crashing without doing anything major.

I’m really not sure how to describe this issue other than constantly crashing, literally every 10-20 minutes without doing anything major.
No one else in 3DLab is experiencing this issue in the same project and it’s really becoming annoying and making building in UEFN a huge pain.

I’m not sure what I can do.

Logs: (4.4 MB) (4.5 MB)

This seems to be a crash related to grass (in ALandscapeProxy::UpdateGrass). Do you have anything custom related to grass that might be related? Can you still reproduce the crash?

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Hey Logan! Thank you for your response, I was able to fix this issue by disabling Real Time Audio in engine, though I haven’t had time to properly report it yet.

Sadly, I’m now encountering other crashes that I’m still unsure about.

But yes, we do have Custom Grass Types.

I am experiencing this with no grass. Really frustrating. I have sent in the crash reports when its crashes.

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@TheAweDam Just here to say the crash reports are not very useful, when you crash it is best to drop a forum post with your logs attached so someone here can help you better


Are you also getting the same Error Code?

@TheAweDam Just here to say the crash reports are not very useful, when you crash it is best to drop a forum post with your logs attached so someone here can help you better

Just to clarify; the crash reports are useful to us. We do look at them, and they provide valuable information that the logs do not. However, because a user may generate many crashes within a certain time period, it’s sometimes difficult to ascertain which crash report might be associated with a specific reported issue. Ideally, if you could include:

  • As much detail about what exactly you did leading up to your crash (i.e. “I opened my project and then clicked on button and it immediately crashed”)
  • The logs, as stated (which would tell us when exactly the crash happened)
  • And continue to submit your crash reports

This would be the best way to help us identify issues faster.

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