BLOCKER: Can't launch memory calculation if FAB assets used

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



If Fab assets are added to a project (in our case the post-apocalyptic scrapyard pack that is free) then the project will NEVER be able to calculate memory and as such can never be published

Steps to Reproduce

Open a new file, go to fab, bring in post-apocalyptic scrapyard pack as referenced content (the only way to do it). Highlight everything and drag on to scene. Launch session, end game once it launches, run memory calculation and Fortnite will fail to stay connected to the editor every single time when it reconnects to do the memory calc.

Expected Result

Fortnite should stay connected to the editor and do the memory calc

Observed Result

Fortnite disconnects upon second launch of the game so memory calc will fail



I have done more testing. It’s not if ANY Fab assets are used, it’s if TOO MANY are used it seems. I went through the scrapyard pack 3 rows at a time (9 in each row) until it would disconnect from the editor and fail memory calc. This happens 18 rows in. So about 162 models brought in and Fortnite will disconnect from the editor and memory calculation is impossible and as such publishing the map is impossible.


Also for reference, I do not believe this is a computer problem as I’m running a very high end computer with i9-13900k, 32GB of ram with 4090RTX. The memory usage of the game as shown so far is less than 40MB (in that top little bar. UEFN shows 55%

UCB-1116 incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.