BLOCKER - Cant launch FNC from UEFN Editor. Easy Anti Cheat.

Solved: Found my EasyAntiCheat install folder and deleted the EasyAntiCheat.sys file and then relaunched UEFN and I was able to get into FNC from there!

Issue: Cant launch Fortnite Creative from Editor. Not sure what happened or how to repro but all the sudden I am getting an error from Easy AntiCheat. I am going to relaunch UEFN to see if I still get the same error.
Reported this on the submission form too.

Logs: - Google Drive


Found something online that said to find the Easy anti Cheat folder and delete the EasyAntiCheat.sys file.

This worked for me and I am back into FNC from UEFN!

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Thank you for letting us know!

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