Blendlayer with two different materials output finction output

Hey guys,

i’ve two materials that i want to blend with an alpha mask. the idea was to set up both materials seperartly and blend them by using an alpha mask in a third material. i know that it works i’ve seen it somewhere but i dont know to get it right. what i’ve done so far:

  1. i made two materials
  2. i used for both a MakeMaterialAttributes note
  3. i made a third material with a MaterialFunctionCall note

What i need:

For both Materials:

  1. An Outpur Attributes Note

For the Blend Material:

  1. The Function of my two Material to load them it go get a blend.

i dont know how i can add a function to my both materials to blend them in the correct way in the third one. i hope you guys can tell me how.
