We’ve been working on that over at Gawain Industries. When Kaye mentions that someone in the community is working on material translation, that’s us!
Our main focus in 2020 has been Brigge for Meshes, which gets FBX totally out of your pipeline. We’ve offered it as early access since January, and after months of feedback and fixes it’s pretty solid. Check out our release history to see if it fits your needs.
The addon has been released! You can find it here: Blender To Unreal Addon (you must connect your Epic Games and GitHub accounts and be logged in to GitHub to access).
I am a bit confused about this toolset. I’ve been fighting Blender’s really crappy FBX exporter for over a year now, always having to do crazy scaling workarounds to have skeletal meshes imported in an usable way, and I was hoping Send to Unreal addon from Epic would finally put an end to this, by including some sort of custom FBX exporter built by Epic themselves. Instead it seems to be just an export preset utilizing Blender’s broken FBX exporter.
While some primitive armatures may survive changing scene units, then rescaling the rig, and the applying the scale, more complex armatures and more importantly any animation that doesn’t use armatures but just simple transform animation of parented hierarchy will almost certainly break during this process, requiring to be pretty much remade from scratch.
The above means the only reasonable workflow here is to author assets and animation from scratch already starting with 0.01 scene scale.
Using Blender at 0.01 unit scale unfortunately open’s a big bag of issues since Blender wasn’t built in this with mind. Many tools and modifiers which have parameters defined in scene units will have wrong default values, just 1% of what they should be. Sensitivity of some interactive tools will also be out of whack and this will also require users to do some modifications to their scenes, such as setting up viewport clipping attributes to accommodate the new scale. It may also introduce some issues with Blender’s built in renderers (Cycles and Eevee).
I am still hoping there will be a way to do this correctly in the future, but right now, asset compatibility between Blender and Unreal remains quite sketchy.
EDIT: Just tried using Blender for 10 minutes with 0.01 unit scale and already encountered few dealbreaker issues, such as pivot gizmo being invisibly tiny or pretty much ani value spinner which is set in system units being so incredibly sensitive to click drag that click-dragging is completely useless.
And here’s a video of what effect does the suggested rescaling process has on animated hierarchies. It just completely wrecks them:
So unfortunately these tools do not address the two fundamental issues:
It’s not possible to reasonably author any content from scratch in Blender using 0.01 unit scale as many tools are broken in such unit scale.
It’s not possible to rescale already authored content to 0.01 unit scale without breaking something unless the animation is driven by armatures. And sometimes even those break.
Wouldn’t it make more sense if Epic invested some resources in helping Blender devs with the FBX exporter? The exporter is open source and written in Python, so it should not be that hard to fix
Getting it all set up takes a bit of this and that, especially if you don’t already have a Github account, I made a short tutorial for my friends, and I’ll share it here if it’s useful for others. Thanks to the team that made this addon happen and I’m excited to see where it goes from here. I haven’t really been able to to battle test it, but happy to dig deeper if it’s helpful.
tried this out,
not convinced though.
i use the blender “datasmith export addon” in blender, and this works way better with materials and lights.
the complete scene gets exported with minimal visual change.
with this new one from enreal, something strange with scaling, materials are very basic, and lighting and cameras arent imported.
im pretty new to unreal engine, maybe im not using it right. but i get all models dumped in one folder. no scene setup or anything.
in datasmith addon. everything gets nicely ordered. and placed in the vieuwport.
Gave it a try today, ran into an error that crashes the project repeatedly, not sure how to proceed. If anyone has had similar issues, the Error looks like this:
After connecting your Epic Games and Github accounts, you should have received something like “EpicTeamAdmin has invited you to join the EpicGames organization” in your mailbox. I found it in my SPAM folder. Accept the invitation, and you should get access to the addon page
I am more and more convinced these “Blender Tools” are just an April Fools prank. It’s been half a year since the release, yet even the most basic issue with the general Blender to UE workflow, the scale discrepancy, has not been addressed. All the meshes exported from Blender to Unreal using this addon get imported at 1% of the original scale.
Suggesting users to change the unit scale in Blender is absolutely unacceptable, because Blender is built in such a way that working in a scale that’s off by two orders simply makes most of the tools glitch out to the point of completely unusable. Blender was not built to be used by other than the default unit scale. This is the exact class of issues that the exporters are supposed to handle properly, so it leaves me speechless that something that’s officially under the wings of Epic is so incredibly poorly executed. This exporter is definitely not up to Epic’s standards of software quality.