Blender to unreal 5. underwater builing? questions


i made some things on blender.
for splines i made some road sections and they came out verry good. after the road i started on a tunnel this time i didnt use a plain bud used a cilinder and removed the ends. i need to flip something to get the textures on both sides visable and got some invisible walls around it? i can not enter?
also i made a bridge, also in blender and used a lot of boxes and cilinders. also i can not enter the bridge,

does any one know a youtube video that covers the part use it in a game and make it accessable.?

and someone know how to get water out off a tunnel when go island to island?

thanks in advance
and some pictures

The reason you can’t enter the bridge is the collision mesh is blocking you.

Try opening the static mesh in the Unreal Engine. From there select “Collision”, “Remove Collision”, then use the “Auto Convex Collision” (I used hull count 4, Max Hull Verts 16, Hull Precision 100,000)

This will put collision on the main structures of the mesh but keep the bridge accessible to walk across.

By default the engine will create a simple box collision covering the entire mesh.

thanks bundybear1981

i will try this. i found a movie over it but used smal boxes of collision to fill the object.
i have hard time on the brigde hahaha it gives an error and will not load the complete brigde.
i worked allot on autocad and inventor from autodesk, bud this is not the same at all.

I found it. now figuring out how it works:P thanks