Blender to UE4 issue - Applying a material to a blender floor

Hey folks! I’ll get right to the problem.

I have a building I built in Blender, Im trying to apply a very nice wood floor material that works great on BSP. However upon applying it to the blender model the floor is just a plane brown color, I can’t see the material what so ever. Am I doing anything wrong?

sounds like you might need a ‘TextureCoordinate’ (press U in material)… plug it into the ‘UV’ of the texture sample and change the ‘UTiling’ and ‘VTiling’ either up or down from 1.00…
if you duplicate the original you could also put a ‘Multiply’ (press M) with the texcoord plugged into the ‘A’ slot, and make the multiply a ‘parameter’, make a material instance and adjust it there till you get it right…
or if all else fails, just export the texture and fix it in blender…

Sadly none of this worked :confused: not sure what else to try, im not good at blender so adding the texture to the floor kind of failed :confused:

You can post some screenshots of your material and uv map so that we can further help you.

Hey! I actually solved this by unwrapping my object in blender…

very cool…