I want to play two AnimSequences one after another. Obviously second animation playing immediately discarding first one. I want to interpolate/blend from Animation_1 to Animation_2.
.h file
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="SomeCategory")
UAnimSequence* Animation_1;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="SomeCategory")
UAnimSequence* Animation_2;
.cpp file
bool bLoop = true;
GetMesh()->PlayAnimation(Animation_1, bLoop);
//After some delay (say 10 seconds)
GetMesh()->PlayAnimation(Animation_2, bLoop);
Solutions i tried:
- Created AnimMontage with two/more animations and tweaked blend parameters. I didn’t see any blend between animations
- AnimBlueprint & Blendspaces - can’t use, because animations are loaded during runtime (i.e dynamically)
- Alternate solution is to script AnimBlueprint in C++, that is adding nodes and state machines via c++, don’t know if it makes sense, if it is then how?
If you think BlendSpace1D is good solution please let me know how to assign animations to BlendSpace1D in C++
Both C++ and Blueprint solutions are welcome
Thanks in advance!