I have these 2 bots setup, they work correct with navigation mesh and some other navigation blueprint.
when i set them up with blackboard how ever they sometimes see me or not or they can walk the grid or not,
i even checked them with printscreen and print text, i used a boolean (branche) to check and some times when they don’t see the player the branche says that they can see me, at the other hand i forced the bot that has movelocation say invalid, given a delayed tick and then it can navigate the navmes, the same bot in another level again worked 5 minutes, opening another project and come back to this project without changing anything, the bots have movelocation invalid again.
i know that you don’t have to force a tick event node to the behavior recognition, so what is wrong here.
i am not new to this, i make small or complex blueprints in other projects and everything works, i invent the weirdest things with blueprint, so i know what i am doing, what leads me to > what is wrong here, what detail did i miss.