Hi I am having a trouble while using the blackboard for a task. The AI stops performing the desired task after sometime. But Before that I will share the project details irrelevant code has been omitted
I have made ActorObjects Class inheriting from UObjects Which I am using as a Key in blackboard which will store TArray of Actors detected in AIController.
#include “ActorObjects.h”
void UActorObjects::SetActorObjects(const TArray<AActor*>& detectedActors) { ActorsObject = detectedActors; }
TArray<AActor*> UActorObjects::GetActorObjects()
return ActorsObject;
} -
Second Class is AIController Here I am setting the key on detection.
void AAIController::BeginPlay()
//lines Omitted
EnemyKey = "DetectedEnemies";
MAIPerception->OnPerceptionUpdated.AddDynamic(this, &AAIController::SenseAllActors);
void AAIController::SenseAllActors(const TArray& detectedActors)
TArray DetectedActors;
if (!GetPawn())
MAIPerception->GetCurrentlyPerceivedActors(nullptr, DetectedActors);
UActorObjects *actorObjects = NewObject< UActorObjects>();
if (DetectedActors.Num() > 0)
MBlackboardComponent->SetValueAsObject(EnemyKey, actorObjects);
- AIBaseTaskNode class for AI Task in Behavior Tree inheriting from UBTTaskNode . This class is a Base Class which has a common function GetBestTarget which will be used by all its children in ExecuteTask.
AActor *UAIBaseTaskNode::GetBestTarget(const FName & KeyName, UBlackboardComponent * BlackboardComp,
AAIController* AIController)
if (!BlackboardComp || !AIController)
return nullptr;
MAActor* BasePawn = Cast<MAActor>(AIController->GetPawn());
//Get Base Pawn
//I.e the owning Actor
if (BasePawn)
//Get Targets By The KeyName
UActorObjects* actorObjects = Cast<UActorObjects>(BlackboardComp->GetValueAsObject(KeyName));
if (actorObjects)
//Get Target Pawns
TArray<AActor*> TargetPawns = actorObjects->GetActorObjects();
//Select The Target Which has Health More than 0
for (auto targetEnemy : TargetPawns)
return targetEnemy;
if(!BlackboardComp->GetValueAsObject(KeyName)) //This is Where Error Comes
AAIController* ctr = Cast<AAIController>(AIController);
TArray<AActor*>ar = ctr->GetDetectedActors();
for (auto t : ar)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Actor Name %s is detected But Key is empty"), *t->GetName());
return nullptr;
After some successfull execution of the task the function BlackboardComp->GetValueAsObject(KeyName) Starts Returning nullptr. I couldn’'t figure out whats the issue. Actors are still in the site range I have debugged in editor to verify the same. I have following questions.
- Why is it happening?
- Why the key value is getting NULL automatically?
- Do I have to set Key again in Blackboard Task Node on task completion? I have already done in AIController
- Would it have any drawback to use AIController function GetCurrentlyPerceivedActors in Blackboard task also instead of getting key value ?