BlackBoard AI and Animation Question

Hi all! So, I am following two tutorials at the moment for a zombie game.


Right now, I have my zombie animations set up for going from walking to sprinting, and that was for the first tutorial (the goal here is that when the zombie gets closer to the player it starts running). I also have other animations, like walking, running, attacking, etc. However, I liked the idea from the second tutorial, which is that the zombies would move around the map until they see the player, and then they’d chase the player.

So far, I have it set up so that when the zombie sees the player, it chases. The problem is that when the zombie moves around looking for a random location, it doesn’t walk, it uses the running animation.

My question is how can I program this so that when the zombie mulls around, it uses the walk animation, and when it sees the player, it uses the walk-to-run animation?

For more context, I am using the blackboard for the zombie AI (move around randomly until it sees the player).
The first video just uses the blueprint to find the player on event start.