When i had these textures it had those black spots and its not suppost to be there. Unreals default asset wood walnut
Where did you get the texture from? What is your GPU and OS?
default assets
also i have another wall that looks fine
Os is WIN 8.1 GPU unknown
Bump bump plz
Hello Matt27832,
Please refrain from bumping threads. All of our support team are currently handling issues as they are received and as soon as we are able.
I opened a test project in 4.8.3 and applied the T_Wood_Walnut_D to the default floor that comes in a blank project.
This was the result.
I was unable to reproduce what you are seeing in the screenshot that you posted.
Have you tweaked any setting with your normal map inside of your material?
Have you tweaked any settings with that particular surface that you posted?
If you would please post a screenshot of your material and then the settings of whatever surface you have posted.
I can then begin to narrow down what the issue is.
My suspicion is that your normal maps is being amplified. Either that or if you have a world displacement map it could be causing this issue.
Please let me know the answer to the questions posted above.
Thank you,
Hello Matt27832,
I was wondering if you were still experiencing this issue? Also, have you had a chance to look into the above troubleshooting mentioned above?
Thank you,
Yes i am and i just dont understand
Hello Matt27832,
You could also try going to your project settings and see if “Use Normal Maps for static Lighting” is turned on.
If so your lighting bakes will use your normals to cast shadows on.
This could also cause this issue.
But i doesnt happen on all surfaces just 1 surface has no black spots which is the right wall
Hello Matt,
If you are willing I would like to test this on my end. You can go to the forums and go to the advanced search window. When it comes up there is a section to look up a Staff Member. Type in my name and from there you can send me an e-mail with a link to a copy of your project.
I will attempt to recreate this issue in a test environment.
Let me know what you want to do.
I got a error on the blocks when i built it says Cube2-7 has invalid DrawScale/ DrawScale3D
Hello Matt,
If you are willing, I would like to test this project on my end.
This way I am testing your exact settings in a controlled environment. This eliminates an guess work as to what the problem “could” be. For this I will need your .uproject file, and your content and config folders from your projects directory.
You can either link me a dropbox here, or you can go on our forums and type my name in the Advanced Search Section. That will provide you with my e-mail address to send me a private message.
Let me know what you would like to do.
Thank you,
What if i send you a zip
umm ill see is there anyother sharing file website i dont want a dropbox account and my email is private
Hello Matt,
Yes, that will work as well.
Thank you,
umm ill see is there anyother sharing file website i dont want a dropbox account and my email is private
Hello Matt,
You can send me a .zip folder here. Or you can message me on the forums. If you go to the advance search on the forums and type my name in the Staff Search area. As we do not have access to anything bug dropbox and email does not allow for greater than 50mb for transfer a .zip here is probably your best bet.
Thank you,