Black outline and squares light bake unreal 5.3

I’ve been trying to bake light in Unreal 5.3 but it seems to be impossible.
I’m not using GPU lightmass.
Here are some info about the settings:
• No Ambient Occlusion
• No compress lightmaps
• Static lvl scale 0.5
• All geometries and lights are static
• No nanite (a message keeps appearing saying it’s disabled, very annoying)
• Lightmap Density is all yellow to red!

Any idea what it could be?

Here’s how my bake looks like:

Hey @Mantovictor!

I think it might have something to do with Nanite. You may want to disable it, and if that makes things wonky, check out this post and see if any of these quick solutions help you!

Looks like bad lightmap UVs to be honest. Like you just unwrapped every face as its own UV island with no padding.

I’d suggest you post a picture of the lightmap UVs

Hey thanks for replying me!
I did turned it off, that’s the reason for the message actually. I went through the link you sent before, they kinda agreed that it’s a bug (?)
I tried their method anyway but the problem persists.

Hey, thanks for replying me!
It’s well unwrapped, I have two UVs for all the objects and I unwrapped them all in Blender using Lightmap Pack. Here’s the example of the lightmap UV for the sofa. It’s set to UV channel 1, and on it’s settings, the lighting channel is set to 1 as well.

Yeah that lightmap UV is a nightmare.

You want to keep your UV geometry mostly contiguous and with a fair amount of padding, you have neither. Just a pile of rectangles. Which is not surprising, because Blender’s lightmap packer is worthless.

Try just using Smart UV project with the default settings except set the island margin to .05 or .1

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You know what’s funny? This is exactly same workflow I ever used on 4.27 and never ever had any issue like this.
I unwrapped once again a few stuff and baked in low settings. That was the problem! Bad lightmap UV!
At first I felt sad about my unwrapping being called nightmare but now I agree. Thanks @Arkiras


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