Black Friday Sale ended a day early?

Hey so according to Epics website (And the banner currently up at the top of the website) the black friday marketplace sale is supposed to continue until 11:59pm EST Dec 3, but instead it ended at 11:59 EST Dec 2.

Is this an error?

If you click on the banner that currently says “Black friday Creator Sale is Here! Save up to 70% on Selected products now through December 3rd!” It takes you to a blank page that says no content, and the “Black Friday” sale option is now gone, along with all of the deals that were available.

Here is the blog that states it continues until 11:59 PM Dec 3 EST. It’s currently 01:09 AM Dec 3 EST as I’m writing this, meaning it should be continuing for another 22 hours and 50 minutes.

I put assets into my shopping cart and was waiting until the last day so I could kind of decide on what I really want, but I didn’t expect the deal to suddenly vanish a day earlier than was stated.

Anyone know what’s going on?


ya same problem. Was in middle of purchasing then server crash for the entire day, and then came back and the sell is over. I still have thhings I want to buy


We’re celebrating Black Friday with Unity.


I sent a marketplace support request about an hour ago, I’ll be sure to update everyone if I hear back from them at all. Hopefully they can fix it and continue the sale, or at least provide the discounts to those who reach out and ask for it. If I don’t get the sale price it means I’ll need to wait another year for it to go on sale again unfortunately. Wish I could afford it at base price but I just don’t have the budget for it.


They locked my account login (not because of me but their servers were overloaded then their AI did false flags on me), and questions/reviews wouldnt load for 6 hour today during peak Eastern time.
So everyone else awake now gets cheated. We’re not allowed to shop while Easterners are asleep. Then tomorrow, if the sale resumes, servers will be overloaded again and we get cheated again.


Same here, I had a few products in my cart and trusted I would still have time, as the banner on the marketplace specifically said “now through December 3”, only to find out the sale ended a day early.

@Unreal_Josh can we get a reply to what happened here? Seems a lot of people got stumped by this.


Yea fortunately i got everything I wanted in time but there was one last asset i just bought quick since i assumed the sale was still on and then realized i got it for full price because the sale ended before it was supposed to. Honestly epic should give store credit for everyone that bought full priced stuff after it ended but before the time it was actually supposed to end.


By the way, it’s clear this was a mistake because the banner is still there on the marketplace, promoting the sale for today still - but if you click on it, it leads to an empty page.


Same here.

There is definitly a problem, i don’t think it was planned to end now.

Let’s hope they can fix this!


I went to buy my stuff last night and got locked out due to the EGS server issues. As soon as I was up I was relieved to see the Black Friday sale banner still there and then checked my cart to see it’s all full priced. I’ve been waiting months for this sale, it would really suck to wait another year due to issues with the EGS network… I’m sure a lot of us just want clarity too. I can use the money for other stuff if we aren’t gonna get any help with this personally. Just please don’t make us wait around to know while some other sales are still going.


Same problem here. I have about 30 products to double check before I move them from wishlist to cart, and 5 ready to cart already, but the sale is gone. It clearly states ‘through Dec 3’, which means it ends at 11:59PM EST on that day.
The banner is still there advertising the sale as real for me when I log in.

I really wanted to buy these assets.


I was also affected, hopefully, this was just an issue with server overload, and I can proceed with my purchase after it is fixed.


Same here. I stayed up to like 2AM trying to log in to purchase my discounted items but eventually gave up, hoping that things would work in the morning. Now the discounts are gone and I can’t afford to buy all this stuff at its regular price. I’m so disappointed.


Hi, same thing here with the Black Friday Sale, I’ve got everything sorted out and have been unable to buy since the epic server crashed yesterday, now I keep getting an error message and can’t even open a support ticket.


I don’t understand, I had 3 things I wanted to buy and couldn’t get into the launcher for most of the day, due to the Fortnite event. It says “through December third.”


Same here. Account blocked, I managed to connect to the forum yesterday but when I went to the store and tried to consult the asset pages I landed on a maintenance page…
Impossible to take advantage of this sale, I’m really disappointed.


Epic needs to say something


You are watching this, why don’t you let your team members know about this anomaly?


As of now, I haven’t recieved a response from epic on the ticket yet. I’m not sure if they even operate on sundays honestly, but I will be sure to update everyone when I hear from them.

I tried hopping on yesterday too but apparently the server crashed, I wasn’t even able to look at marketplace assets until around 8pm. By 9 PM Pacific time the deal was suddenly just gone.


I just send a marketplace support request just now. Hope they respond sometime today.