Black Friday Sale ended a day early?

Used your link to send a plea for help and included a screenshot showing they advertised December 3 at 11:59 PM EST as the end date/time. Feels like the Big Bang event broke and/or maxed out the servers. Hopefully, small devs are not punished for a server outage. I won’t be able to buy nearly half the stuff I needed for my game if they don’t fix and/or extend the sale. I will comment back if they respond to me.


Noooooo!! WHYYYYY?!
I had so many assets in my cart that I wanted to buy today. Now all the discounts have been removed. That’s messed up :frowning:


It’s pretty frustrating, I had a bunch of stuff in my cart for purchase today. Really hope that they’re able to bring the sale back ASAP or even extend it.


they probably entered it into the system to end when it hits the 3rd instead of going through the 3rd (facepalm)


They have reactivated the Black Friday offers but not everything that was on offer is there!! I’m missing half of my basket!!
EDIT:Sorry, it’s gradually coming back.

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It seems like some items are slowly coming back on sale for me, but not all at once. It was 8700 items in the black friday tab a few minutes ago, now 13000 - so potentially if they are investigating a fix it might be in stages? Appreciate if anyone else is seeing this too.


@Rogueknight - looks like all the items in my cart are back on sale now - whew!

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I have the same problem. Last minute products I wanted to purchase are now full price

Thank god its not just me. I thought I can’t read time anymore. I’m on the same boat. let’s hope they either fix it soon, or extend it by 1 day.

Hey everyone - all the sale products should be restored now with discounted prices and the shop operating as expected. We’re sorry about the trouble, and let us know if you hit any other snags.

Happy shopping!


@Amanda.Schade I did one purchase accidentally after the original sale ended, do you think i could get a partial refund to my epic wallet for the difference? It’s actually only a small amount but it would still be nice.

I’d recommend creating a support ticket with the Marketplace team to see what’s possible there.

It’s 945PM Pacific and the sale has now ended.
Why wasnt the sale extended to at least 12AM Pacific? Since Epic’s error cost us and everyone who is awake at this time - money by loosing sale time yesterday (6 hours + nighttime hours) while Easterners were allowed to shop, yet we could not at this time last night. Unfair.

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So us Europeans basically got screwed, because of the time difference and most of us having jobs today, we were already in bed asleep when you replied.

Yeah thanks for nothing, my trust in Epic being a reliable seller is just gone.

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Thanks that worked they gave me the credit.

It’s upsetting when deals fail to meet the deadline. Unexpected deadline adjustments might be inconvenient. Hopefully, you will still be able to find a good solution or alternate possibilities for your purchases.

Wow, this same issue has popped up for the latest Epic sale this week. Was set to be until the 18th of April, and now, (today, April 18th) everything in my cart that was on sale is not on sale anymore…

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You also need to check the time now. This last one ended at 9 AM EST.

I’m making my purchases the night before the sale ends.

It’s a very strange change that they made. Maybe they changed it accommodate customer service?

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