Black flickering static meshes

Hi all,

Recently I’ve been having this problem in UE4, basically when I place some Actors really close to each other the meshes starts having some visual problems, for example if I move the camera quickly I can see the meshes being drawn into the screen or having this black flickering effect shown in the screenshot below (the image appears blurry because I was moving the camera in that moment):

I already tried to change the static mesh bounds or decreasing the Engine Scalability but unfortunately nothing changed.

Just for testing, that issue happens when you create/change a post process volume with Blur Power 0?

No no, it happens every time I spawn trough C++ or place in the editor the same meshes really close to eachother.

Basically I have a sort of terrain (the one shown in the image above) made of instances of static meshes, when the player click in one of these instances, that instance gets removed and a cube with the same static mesh get’s spawned at the location of the removed instance, the problem occurs when 5/6 or more cubes are on the map. If you want I can make a small video so it’s easier to see what’s happening.

Yes, a video might help!

Sorry for the wait, I’ve been really busy today, here’s the video:

I hope it helps!