I’m new to UE but I’m not a new to 3D and app development.
Lately I did a small ArchViz project and when everything was done I said lets make Production build (UE 4.18.3).
And I got this error in many places:
So Light map resolution is there and it have space do do those places smooth. And also there is a 45 deg angle between the walls. But why do I need to have everything on 90 deg angles ?? There must be a way for this.
When I started to going through all posts and what everybody got to say about this I found a solution. My problem was lightning smooth. I made it sharper so that’s why I got that pixelated edge. So I set it up to 1. And my problem disappeared.
But the I went out of that room I saw a massive light leak in the corridor outside of that room with error on the sealing.
And again I started to messing around with the settings and mesh configuration and its just staying there.
I also started to mess around with lightmass.ini file which didn’t sort out my problem but extended render times to infinity.
I do have all my UVs pixel perfect with gaps. I do not have any lightning errors based on this issue.
My mesh is solid and got 10cm thickness.
My set up is just 1 directional light standard settings.
My questions are:
My initial problem with black edges was a surprise for my. But I was doing a texture backing in the past and every time there was a setting of color bleed (overflow) out side of UV island to avoid any problems with black corners (in pixels). Why in UE this is not available ?? That will sort out everybody’s problem. Cause islands in UVs must be separated with a margin to work properly. Why not use this margin for color overflow.
How to remove those light leaks. Can this be a problem that my outer walls and sealing and floor of that level is one mesh and the inner walls are another mesh??
Should the walls touch or intersect sealing?? Cause it did not work for me any of those scenarios.
Should you remove top walls polygons that are touching sealing and floor?
Why when so many people have a problem with light leaks UE team did not fix this yet. Light in a baking process cant go thru static mesh. That’s it. There is no more to that. And a lot of people got problem with that and they start to messing with lightmass.ini file with is totally not documented.
Why the lightmass.ini settings are not documented?? Or are they?? And why there is no advanced lightning settings tab so I can set them up for the specific project / level?? This is to much to ask for ??
When I create a walls of a floor lets say ground floor and level 1 floor on the edge between them there is visible indirect lightning difference. I understand that this is made cause of the modular approach. All my kitchen shelf’s got problem like this as well. Solution to this is to put 0.1 sample size. But that creates artifacts of the skylight HDRI and you can prevent this with Hemisfere samples in lightning ini. But Jesus Christ its the same problem. Why did you not fix this. Buy having a setting or grouping. “This group of modular mesh must be treated as one object for static lightning build”. Done problem solved. I just told you which meshes should be aware of each other. Cause forum says this is the problem for those calculations. And this is a game engine everybody wants this modular structure of levels to work perfectly. And in my case it turned out that I must join in a bigger mesh smaller reusable elements as I go.
Why your automatic generating UVs process is not pixel perfect?? You got the setting for minimal mesh and what the mesh should be in the time of baking. Can you not generate the UVs before the build process to be for the size and pixel perfect so the will be no light errors??
I think a lot of people will also be interested in this cause there was a post about that functionality: “Save all and turn of pc after build is done”. Cause I left my pc running for the night couple of times and its just buzzing next door for no reason.
Dynamic lightning with LPV is terrible. In my scenario I was having black sealing or just one big squire on sealing color gradient simulating window light bounced from floor. A lot of those setting ware a nightmare to set up and find what they do. And in the end result was terrible. And buying a third party plug-in for lightning is really something strange. VXGI – when I saw the set up process I gave up eminently. I do not have a day of just to set this up.
Don’t get me wrong. The engine is superb in my opinion. But its version 4.19 (that BTW is still doing all of those problems) and I as new user have those problems still. There are even videos telling do not use UE4 if you are not ready to do this crazy s…t. And its true. You must be prepared for a nonsense work just because there is no simple settings for that.
I can tell wright now which ArchViz was done with UE4 and which was not. Cause most of them will have black lines in the corner and this is a giveaway out of the box for me. And this is not a good reference. Or you have good light and short times of render but black lines in the corner. Or you wait forever and will have massive light leaks because your mesh/uvs/setting was wrong.
Sorry, try do better next time you press that build button.
Sorry UE Team but you need to fix this. This process must be better.
Or give me a setting “Super production – you can leave your pc frozen for 24H but its going to be legendary (100% no light issues)”