Billboard Devices, Landscape, the Campfire Device, & others cost far more memory than intended.

Memory has always been a huge struggle in Creative, but it’s somehow been even worse lately. I’ve come back to maps I made last year and found that they are somehow now varying over 10-50k over budget.

Let’s start with the Campfire Device;

This device has been broken in terms of memory since UEFN dropped. As you can see in the included screenshot, it takes up over 13,000 memory on its first placement, while beforehand, it never cost more than I believe 1.5k (which was still high at the time).

Next up is the Billboard device, also in the included screenshot.
I think we’re all aware that increasing the resolution multiplier severely increases memory hahaha, however, my memory cost for only just over 100 billboards all set to the default resolution multiplier and a 10-tile view distance or less should NOT be almost 1/10th of the island memory.

With there being no better options in terms of text in the game for the purpose many of us use it for, it’s absolutely necessary that this be reduced, as it


I don’t have a screenshot of the issue with landscape, however, in a recent memory calculation on another game that has VERY basic landscape uses, I was told that my landscape was taking over 8k memory, and that checked out with the sudden memory increase I noticed after a recent update. This prevented me from creating certain areas of a game I wanted to create.

This has also been the case with many other devices and props/items lately, however, I unfortunately do not have a list.

This issues make creating detailed yet small-scale games very difficult, and even large-scale games, as device/landscape memory takes up the overall island memory, regardless of position with world partitioning enabled.

Thank you so much for your time!

@Kiriousaurus Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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what about using the landscape as static mesh nanite? would that be a good solution? my landscape alone is taking half of the memory usage and the resolution still sucks