Billboard and trigger device not working fine

Starting from 2 days ago i’m having strange issues with a map. Every day character on in all billboard in the map become hidden. I simple change font and all appeare again … but the day after … same story. Some issues with trigger … they stop working like they become (even if a munualy interact they don’t work. i remove and recreate and all work fine. the day after same story they stop working again. Any one have any idea about how to solve ? i’m getting crazy. thank you in advance.

@mimmo_the_root Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

After several test i understood that the issues on trigger is related to set to 1 the number of triggering … unfortunatly to solve i totally change my map logic removing this device and making use of different component.

for the billboard i’ve no idea about “why text disappear” :frowning:

Its not just the billboards suffering this issue, speakers and portals also have a similar problem which all seem somehow related to island initiation (at least in create mode).

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i sumitted a ticket as requested

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