[BETA RELEASE] Blueprint Survival Game Template

Haha… I dunno. I can’t really think of any other assets that I could make that people would buy XD But I will definitely consider it if this one goes well haha.

Sorry for the delay in updates guys… biiiig update coming soon :slight_smile: Hopefully the final major update before release! Good things coming too :slight_smile: Thanks for your patience!

Just bought this an hour ago currently having it sync with my drop box account :slight_smile:

Cannot wait to start working with it :slight_smile:

I know this next update has been taking a while, and I apologise for that… however… It will drop in the next 24-48 hours, assuming no gamebreaking bugs pop up haha.

This next update will be the final feature update before submission to the marketplace (there may be bug fix updates depending on feedback/finding bugs). I’m not gonna give a changelog just yet… but there is a lot in there including a new pickup system that allows for all sorts of pickups (currently there are resource pickups - like food, water, backpacks, etc., gun pickups, book pickups (that the player can read) and key pickups (to open locked chests/doors)), some basic AI with loot drops (both manually set and randomised), support for third party day/night systems, and many many fixes. Will give a full changelog when I do upload the update, but just wanted to drop in and let everyone know it is still coming!

Include a detailed documentation on how to use youre pack, how to modify it, and how to integrate it in projects. Otherwise its pretty useless for the development community.

Hey Xeny.

Thanks for your input. I have said since day one with the template that detailed documentation will be coming, but that I won’t be doing it until the final release version, as things will likely change up until then. As it stands, quite a number of people have already purchased it and all of them seem to be finding their way very easily, so it would seem it’s quite intuitive as it is, but don’t worry, documentation is definitely coming. There will be both written tutorials/documentation and video tutorials on how to use it on my YouTube channel.

Have a nice day.

I wouldnt think that at this high altitute ^.^
People who know how to work with ue4 and know it well will have it easy even without a DOCU.
Its recommended todo a documentation yes but i doubt it will make it less worth.

A few videos on how to work with all the stuff and enough descriptions inside the code will pretty much beat it anyways.

V1.20 Changelog:

MAJOR REWRITE: Completely revamped the pickup system to accommodate more pickup types, add versatility, increase efficiency and just make it overall better.
REWRITE: Rewrote all widgets to scale with different resolutions automatically.
REWRITE: Renamed many assets to conform with consistent naming convention. Also changes some folder structure.
REWRITE: Enumerated visual effects settings for easier use.
MINOR FEATURE: Added ability to stop new items automatically being added to the hotbar (user requested)
MINOR FEATURE: Added support for third party day/night systems. Requires documentation (user requested)
MINOR FEATURE: Added compass to HUD (user requested)
MINOR FEATURE: Added very dumb AI to demonstrate how chests could be attached to AI characters. Also included a random drop function. PLEASE NOTE: THIS AI IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE! It is intended to demonstrate how a designer MIGHT attach things such as the chest system to ai components, and generate random drops.
MINOR FEATURE: Added new item types for weapons, books and keys. Added an example of each one.
MINOR FEATURE: Added ability for chests to be locked with unique single use keys.
MINOR FEATURE: Added ability to toggle between first and third person using TAB (key binding - can be changed).
FIX: Made feedback text multi-line to avoid messages being cut off
FIX: Fixed slot 0 being automatically selected even without it displaying as such
FILE CHANGES: Removed texture files and replaces with solid colours to lower download size slightly.

Release Version 1.0 has just been uploaded to the gumroad depository and the gumroad page has been updated with a lot more information!

Changelog for this release:

FIX: Set crosshair to hidden on third person mode
FIX: Change post process anti aliasing from TemporalAA to FXAA to stop flickering on object ouline
FIX: Added logic in for Inventory Bags (somehow forgot to include this FACEPALM)
FIX: Changed book pickups to support multiple lines of text. Uses array, so could easily be connected up to a datatable with a little work.
FIX: Fixed issue with stacking in inventory not working due to default chest item struct values of 0 instead of 1
FIX: Fixed all example pickup settings
CHANGE: Changed method of detection for items in inventory being in hotbar already to be more reliable and inclusive
FILE ADDITION: Added placeholder art for Key, Bag and Book item (waiting on my artist to be free for actual art)
FILE/FOLDER STRUCTURE: Restructured example pickups into new folders due to increased number of examples
CLEANUP: Cleaned up and commented blueprint logic for DumbZombie AI
COMMENTS: Various blueprint comments added where appropriate and missing

There WILL be a very minor update in the next few days changing around the example level a bit to demonstrate/inform a bit better than it currently does, but the blueprint systems are set now (pending any bug reports and so on obviously). I will now start work on a series of videos and written tutorials (PDFs) that will aid designers in use of the template! Thanks to all of the users who helped out during the beta phase!

As you said it’s targeted to singleplayer… It does not work with multilayer then?

Hey there. This thread is actually outdated now so be sure to check the newer one…

Spoiler alert - the current version is singleplayer, but a free update is coming to include multiplayer :slight_smile: