[BETA RELEASE] Blueprint Survival Game Template

Hey pixelvspixel.

Great to hear you are expanding on it already =) I’m heading to work shortly so I may not be able to help until later but would you mind showing me how you are trying to get the variable from the master and we can go from there =)

This just cant be 10 $ only the building system should be more expensive i wld pay 10 $ only for the stamina or the torch, really love developers like you :wink:

Haha cheers man. However, it’s important to know two things.

Firstly, the building system is -not- included that was a video another user showed to demonstrate a request

Secondly, the price tag is temporary for the testing phase, after which the price will be increased However, if you buy it now, as a thank you for helping out during testing you get all future updates at no extra cost!

Just uploaded v1.06 to gumroad… Changelog below:

  • Visual settings for chests! You can now set the static mesh and a few other things
  • Item limits on chests, so a chest can only hold x many items in it (needs a lot more testing)
  • Fixed highlighting of selected items in the chest transfer widget
  • Fixed bugs allowing players to take/store item ‘none’ in chests
  • Cleaned up more blueprints for increased readibility and nicer flow
  • Fixed torch still working even when battery drain is on and batter is at 0
  • Clamped battery drain so it can’t go into negatives
  • Fixed issue causing full stacks of items to be useless in inventory
  • Stored some variables on construct, instead of pulling them every time certain actions were called. They used node GetAllActors which is apparently quite performance heavy (thanks pixelvspixel for the thread that this was discussed in)
  • Minor tweaks to several other systems
  • Added in ability to split stacks when you are taking items from chests. It’s not perfect, and is ONLY implemented on take at the time being, not store, as I still need to set up auto stacking in chests. This will be the focus of the next update.
  • Added the option to use sounds on open/close chests
  • Added progress bars to show how full chests and inventory are on chest transfer widget

Have only just seen this edit. I’d love to see a vid of that in action!

And yeah - I saw your thread and changes all the GetAllActorsOfClass instances to use a variable stored on runtime as well so the newer versions of the template also have that efficiency boost :wink:

In other news… hoping to drop a new update in the next few hours. Fallout 4 has gotten in the way a bit haha. Good inspiration though!

Well, it took more than a few hours - but… Just updated the Gumroad file to Beta v1.1!

Biggest inclusion is a savegame system, as well as a host of other things! Full changelog:

UPDATE: Updated to 4.10
MAJOR ADDITION: Save system added - Saves all player variables, world time and temperatures, inventory, cooldowns, etc.
FIX: Stopped UE4 automatically importing starter content over and over on project load
FIX: Many minor fixes for edge-case scenarios involving inventory and chest inventory management
FIX: Made bleeding system work again
CUSTOMISATION: Pickup animation can now be sped up or slowed down by setting how many seconds you want it to take with In_AnimatedPickupTime
MINOR ADDITION: Chests made to stack items
MINOR ADDITION: Splitting stacks now done via widget rather than buttons on inventory screen - currently on drop only, destroy coming soon
MINOR ADDITION: Show minutes option added to HUD clock
MINOR ADDITION: Slowdown/halt time on open container
MINOR ADDITION: Added a HUD prompt to indicate interactive items via a crosshair change and on-screen text description of the item
MINOR ADDITION: Added basic support for gamepads
MINOR ADDITION: Added project details/image to the project settings
MINOR ADDITION: Added configurable autosave system
MINOR ADDITION: Added ability to automatically load last savegame on startup
REWRITE: Rewrote inventory/pickup code to be a LOT more versatile an efficient. Requires testing to ensure no bugs as a result of rewrite
REWRITE: Restructured all content folder items to make a bit more sense and conform more with Epic's standards
REWRITE: Minor reworking of ALL SGT systems to accommodate use of savegames

It would appear I missed a few pretty big bugs in the last version… so I’ve just uploaded v1.11.

HUGE thanks goes to Kanizitas for their awesome testing work and informing me of these so quickly!

FIX: Bug allowing unlimited use of items in inventory
FIX: Visual bug making all inventory items appear selected
FIX: Linetrace for interaction available prompt continuing after player death
FIX: Connected split-stack widget up for use on drop and destroy functions
FIX: Take/Store/Drop/Destroy All button doing nothing
FIX: Bug allowing pickups to remain in world after adding to inventory when animated pickups is switched on

Well… v1.12 went up a day or two ago with a lot of minor fixes that were mainly due to my stupidity :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve just uploaded v1.13 which is another batch of minor fixes… Among them (though I don’t recall them all sadly)…

FIX: Fixed broken STORE function for inventory items
FIX: Fixed load function not restoring player location
FIX: Fixed stupid BP error making TAKE in inventory items sometimes print “Hello” instead of taking items
FIX: Save function working properly again
FIX: Fixed up the ability to limit the number of items in chests
FIX: Made items in chests stack properly again
REWRITE: Completely changed the input system for container inventories. You nolonger need to fill out an entire ItemData struct (over 30 vars). Instead you just tell it what pickup class instance you want and how many of them. Much simpler, more reliable, waaaay smaller savegame size and much easier to rebalance as you only need to rebalance a single item instead of altering every instance of it in the chests.
DOCUMENTATION: Commented ALL functions in the master systems blueprint! Widgets coming soon…


  • When you use some of the inventory widgets in-game, if you perform certain tasks you can end up exiting the main widget but keeping the others up on screen. This can then lead to input issues. Fix coming soon. - FIXED IN 1.14
  • Lack of customisation options for some of the later widgets (such as split stack widget)

These should be fixed in the next day or two. My primary focus now is on finishing up commentation of blueprint nodes, removing redundant code and implementing the few remaining core feature requests I wanted in before launch so that I can happily submit the system to Epic for the marketplace.

The features I am yet to implement that I want in before submitting include:

  • Some new item types - ‘home’ items for teleportation back to home, bed items to sleep away time, keys for locked doors (may not get in before release), backpack items to raise inventory size.
  • A simple hotbar (only major pre-launch feature remaining at this stage)
  • Visual and audible feedback on player damage
  • Additional sounds
  • Item outline on hover (to compliment the HUD text popup)
  • Splitting inventory based on item type (may not get in before release)
  • Optional third person camera mode (may not get in before release)

On the home stretch now :slight_smile: So anyone who keeps up with this thread and has bought the system - please get in with any and all bugs asap! As for anyone who hasn’t bought it and wants to… your time to buy it at the reduced price is running out… Still not 100% on the final release price, but I can promise, the $10 price point is the best deal on this system you will get for quite a while haha.

Thanks to everyone who has been helping out with testing it all. This system wouldn’t have been anywhere near as good if it wasn’t for you guys.

v1.14 just went up on the gumroad page :slight_smile: Changelog below:

FIX: Fixed up some more fringe case scenarios that stopped take/store from working in inventory spaces
FIX: Fixed up issue preventing players from being able to shoot after entering and exiting inventory
FIX: Set up a system to ensure that when one inventory widget is open, a player cannot open a second one (except for stack splitting widget)
FIX: Re-enabled world slowdown on opening chests (needs configuration options)
FIX: Fixed issue with save not storing player location properly
FIX: Fixed issue with save not storing pickup locations if player interacts with them
MINOR FEATURE: Added ability to close inventory widgets with either the same key used to open them, or the Quit/Close UI key (Escape / Gamepad “Start” by default). If no widget is open, player can press the key twice within 2 seconds to exit the game.
MINOR FEATURE: Added beds allowing players to pass time. Functionality is VERY basic at the moment and needs a lot more work. But it’s in there to start with - option to cut to a scene cam to view world time passing.
CLEANUP: Removed some additional nodes that were not connected to functions (left over from prior functions). Also neatened several blueprint functions

I bought this the moment you released it and I have really enjoyed what you have made so far! As a newbie I’ve found it useful in learning how to work in UE4 for the type of game I am toying with. I would love to see third person and multiplayer support. To be honest, I would be willing to pay for additional survival type content such as a building/crafting module, I don’t think anyone would feel bad if you released different packs for major mechanics.

Pushed two updates int he last few days… Details are below:

1.15 cha

FIX: Fixed issue where it was possible to try and pick up pickups after they were destroyed.
FIX: Fixed issue where you could open the last open chest by interacting with any actor
MINOR ADDITION: Added widget for player to decide how long they sleep.
REWRITE: Reworking of entire sleep system.

1.16 changelog:

FIX: Removed debug sleep function being activated when player pressed M.
FIX: Disabled player movement/interaction during sleep.
FIX: Added ability to cancel sleep before active by connecting up close widget to “cancel” button.
FIX: Stopped time slowing down during sleep.
MINOR FEATURE: Added ability to fade in on game startup.
MINOR FEATURE: Added fade to black on sleep if scene cam is not use. Fades back in on sleep end. Fade time can be configured in the HUD values for both sleep and startup.
REWRITE: Made minor changes to element rendering order on HUD to ensure debug features and clock are visible over fade brush.
MINOR FEATURE: Set up save games to carry over multiple levels but retain item/chest data from prior levels, allowing for open world games with multiple streaming levels, or even instanced levels (ala skyrim). Most data attached to player and world (time etc.) is carried over every load, but only the pickup and chest data for each level is loaded, whilst rest is maintained safely in save file. Needs testing.

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile: Glad you’ve been enjoying it! And awesomet hat it’s been a good learning tool :slight_smile: It definitely has been for me too haha.

Third person will 100% be coming at some point, soon hopefully. As mentioned above int he thread, Multiplayer is certainly intended to be included at some point, but I can’t promise I’m capable haha XD Building and crafting is definitely a possibility, but I’ll leave that until after the release candidate… I know that’s a pretty big addition so I’ll have a look into it and work out if I can do it modularly and connect it up or not, but I probably wouldn’t ask any more money from those who have already purchased at that point XD We shall see.

Thanks for the kind words anyways :slight_smile: Still super surreal that anyone is using my thing haha.

NOTE: It appears I accidentally left an empty overlap node in the level blueprint for the project in 1.16. Just delete these:

Will be fixed in the next build, but it is entirely un-needed.

Version 1.17 out

1.17 Changelog:

FIX: Fixed issue stopping overencumberance from disabling sprint.
FIX: Stopped fade widget element from not scaling with alternate resolutions.
FIX: Removed empty BeginOverlap function.
FIX: Fixed issue where player warning messages weren’t working.
FIX: Removed several internal debug functions and key bindings.
FIX: Removed secondary level (was only intended for savegame testing - no longer needed).
MINOR FEATURE: Made HUD elements highlight upon critical values (such as 0 stamina, etc.) and health bar flash when player is taking DoT.
MINOR FEATURE: Made feedback messages popup on screen, and over time go away again. Supports multiple messages at once.
MINOR FEATURE: Added function to remove specific items from player inventory (useful for quests, crafting systems, etc.). Function is called In_RemoveItem and allows you to remove item based on it’s class or specific name (so it is useful for removing both standard items and unique items).
MINOR FEATURE: Configurable falling damage added into game. Very simple cheap method.
MINOR FEATURE: Added sound playback on zero stamina condition, player receiving damage condition, and on player death. All configurable.
MINOR FEATURE: Added sound feedback on item pickup, item drop, and item destroy.
MINOR FEATURE: Added option to make the drop command drop items at player’s feet instead of on a line trace. This will cause odd results if pickups have collision/physics enabled!
REWRITE: Cleaned up several blueprints and removed some redundant nodework.
FILE ADDITION: Added several sound files.

1.18 Changelog:

**FIX: **Set default FadeInTime to 2.0 to stop new levels loading with black screens
**FIX: **Fixed an error that came up when trying to pickup items that weren’t animated on pickup (wasn’t important, but annoying)
**MAJOR FEATURE: **Added a Hotbar. It’s still in it’s infancy, but it already is quite functional. You can set items to the hotbar slots by going into your inventory, selecting the item and pressing the 1-0 keys. You then select hte hotbar slot outside of the inventory using the 1-0 keys again.
**MINOR FEATURE: **Temporary version of the default UE4 gun added to template as a pickup item for equip via hotbar.
**FILE ADDITIONS: **Texture files for the gun pickup (both UI and material).

Great work so far. Really enjoy it :wink:

Just bought this… thanks for authoring this pack…

Cheers guys! And welcome aboard! :slight_smile: Apologies to all for the lack of an update for the last two days… I’ve been incredibly ill :frowning: Hoping to get back to it tomorrow but only time will tell.

Take care of your health man , nice work btw

following this topic and i will buy the stable ver of it …

buy it now then. ^^

Cheers :slight_smile: Looking forward to having you on board in the future then! XD

And there’s a new update!

1.19 Changelog:

FIX: Hotbar can now only house one instance of each item (so you can’t have both slot 1 and slot 3 bound to the same item in your inventory)
FIX: Made hotbar items automatically get removed from hotbar when they are used up and no more exist in inventory
FIX: Added a number to inventory entry for items assigned to hotbar
FIX: Made hotbar items linked to total inventory count of an item, rather than individual stacks (meaning if you have 20 items in your inventory, made up of 5 stacks, when you use 5, the hotbar will nolonger clear that item as you still have 15 left).
FIX: Finally fixed issue where currently selected inventory item was not highlighted in inventory screen.
FIX: Made new items (ie. items that are not already in the player inventory) automatically add to the next available spot in the hotbar.

Many other fixesto the hotbar system. Hotbar system is almost complete now and that is the final major feature to be added. I have several other small additions to make still but almost done! Famous last words XD

Great stuff! Thank you for your hard work! I am happy to have supported you and can’t wait to see what else you build (hopefully more packs that I can buy hehe) :slight_smile: