Best way to rotate actors from a right-handed notation (avoiding FRotator locking angles). Plus: Rotator or quaternions?

Hey, I am working on a simulation of a satellite around a target, to which the chaser satellite is referenced as a child actor. Apart from that, my simulation uses Euler Angles of a right-handed body reference frame to represent the orientation of the satellite. While testing the correct way to convert angles from this notation the left-handed UE notation, I tryied to send this angles [180, -110, 20] to Unreal, angles that are then used in the same order to generate the FRotator (180,-110,20) for the relative rotation. However, in Unreal, the actor is set to be rotated as (-160, 0, 70).

Can someone explain me this? I was thinking to migrate to quaternions, even though it might complicate all of this.

I just want a robust and consistent way to send my angles and rotate in the proper direction of a right-handed reference frame when there is an increment in one direction.

For this, I am using a matlab function that maps my XYZ euler angles as:

function poseout = eulrot2uerot(posein)

poseout = [-posein(2), -posein(3), posein(1)];
