Best way to refresh a texture? Kinect handle

hello unreal people, this time with a powerfull existential question… how is the best way of texture refresh?
i try to integrate kinect in the best way posible, but when i try from a single ActorComponent with a texture i got a poor 15 fps, so is very slow for my porposes, so i try all with FRunnable but is run even slower at 1 fps jajaja, obviosly i do something very bad

this is the full source if you want check i dont care share, maybe some unreal developer can point me in the right way.

Actor component h:

#pragma once
#include "KinectInterface.h"
#include "CameraCapture.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "UEKinect.generated.h"

using namespace std;

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Hardware), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), meta = (FriendlyName = "Kinect"))
class VIRTUALDRESSER_API UUEKinect : public UActorComponent


	UTexture2D* colorTexture;
	KinectInterface kinectThread;

	// Sets default values for this component's properties

	// Called when the game starts
	virtual void InitializeComponent() override;
	virtual void UninitializeComponent() override;
	// Called every frame
	virtual void TickComponent( float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction ) override;

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Kinect)
		UTexture2D* open();


actor component cpp:

#include "VirtualDresser.h"
#include "UEKinect.h"

// Sets default values for this component's properties
	// Set this component to be initialized when the game starts, and to be ticked every frame.  You can turn these features
	// off to improve performance if you don't need them.
	bWantsInitializeComponent = true;
	PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;

	// ...

// Called when the game starts
void UUEKinect::InitializeComponent()
	// ...

void UUEKinect::UninitializeComponent()

// Called every frame
void UUEKinect::TickComponent( float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction )
	Super::TickComponent( DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction );
	// ...

UTexture2D* UUEKinect::open()
	kinectThread = KinectInterface();
	colorTexture = kinectThread.getTexture();
	return colorTexture;

my kinect interface for do thread h:

#pragma once
#include "Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/ThreadingBase.h"
#include "CameraCapture.h"
#include "AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h" 
#include "Kinect.h"
#include "HideWindowsPlatformTypes.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"

class KinectInterface : FRunnable
	bool bStop;
	FRunnableThread* Thread;
	int width;
	int height;
	FUpdateTextureRegion2D *echoUpdateTextureRegion;

	IKinectSensor* pKinect;
	IColorFrameSource* pColorFrameSource;
	IColorFrameReader* pColorFrameReader;
	ICoordinateMapper* pCoordinateMapper;
	IBodyFrameSource* pBodyFrameSource;
	IBodyFrameReader* pBodyFrameReader;

	void updateKinect(bool bFreeData);

	UTexture2D* texture;
	virtual void Exit() override;
	virtual bool Init() override;
	virtual uint32 Run() override;
	virtual void Stop() override;

	void Attach();
	void Detach();
	UTexture2D* getTexture();


template<class Interface>
inline void SafeRelease(Interface *& pInterfaceRelease)
	if (pInterfaceRelease != NULL)
		pInterfaceRelease = NULL;

and finally the interface cpp:

#include "VirtualDresser.h"
#include "KinectInterface.h"

#define print(text) if (GEngine) GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.5, FColor::White,text)



void KinectInterface::Exit()
	if (Thread != NULL)
		Thread = NULL;

bool KinectInterface::Init()
	hr = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pKinect);
	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		hr = pKinect->Open();
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pKinect->get_ColorFrameSource(&pColorFrameSource);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pColorFrameSource->OpenReader(&pColorFrameReader);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pKinect->get_CoordinateMapper(&pCoordinateMapper);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pKinect->get_BodyFrameSource(&pBodyFrameSource);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			hr = pBodyFrameSource->OpenReader(&pBodyFrameReader);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			bStop = false;


	return true;

uint32 KinectInterface::Run()
	while (!bStop && texture != NULL)
		print("hell yeah");
	return 0;

void KinectInterface::Stop()
	bStop = true;

void KinectInterface::Attach()
	Thread = FRunnableThread::Create(this, TEXT("KinectInterface"), true, true, 0, TPri_BelowNormal);

void KinectInterface::Detach()

UTexture2D* KinectInterface::getTexture()
	width = 1920;
	height = 1080;
	texture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(width, height, PF_B8G8R8A8);
	echoUpdateTextureRegion = new FUpdateTextureRegion2D(0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
	return texture;

void KinectInterface::updateKinect(bool bFreeData)
	if (!pColorFrameReader && !pBodyFrameReader)

	IColorFrame* pColorFrame = nullptr;
	HRESULT hr = pColorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pColorFrame);
	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		unsigned int bufferSize = width * height * 4 * sizeof(unsigned char);
		unsigned char* rawData = new unsigned char[bufferSize];
		hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(bufferSize, rawData, ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
		if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
			FUpdateTextureRegionsData* RegionData = new FUpdateTextureRegionsData;
			RegionData->Texture2DResource = (FTexture2DResource*)texture->Resource;
			RegionData->MipIndex = 0;
			RegionData->NumRegions = 1;
			RegionData->Regions = echoUpdateTextureRegion;
			RegionData->SrcPitch = (uint32)(4 * width);
			RegionData->SrcBpp = 4;
			RegionData->SrcData = (uint8*)rawData;

			// call the RHIUpdateTexture2D to refresh the texture with new info
				FUpdateTextureRegionsData*, RegionData, RegionData,
				bool, bFreeData, bFreeData,
				for (uint32 RegionIndex = 0; RegionIndex < RegionData->NumRegions; ++RegionIndex)
					int32 CurrentFirstMip = RegionData->Texture2DResource->GetCurrentFirstMip();
					if (RegionData->MipIndex >= CurrentFirstMip)
							RegionData->MipIndex - CurrentFirstMip,
							+ RegionData->Regions[RegionIndex].SrcY * RegionData->SrcPitch
							+ RegionData->Regions[RegionIndex].SrcX * RegionData->SrcBpp
				if (bFreeData)
				delete RegionData;

All the code works perfectly but is slow, why? that the question
if someone can try is free to do

hello again unreal poeple still no answer here? ok this is mine
i decide implement opencv because anywhy i need a good way to manipulate image data well, on my project i need to store, and load and save dynamic images outputs, i try hardly with the imagewrapper class provide by unreal API but is very slow, i do some test!, first i get all pixel info from my viewport, store in a regular uint8* and send to imagewrapper to save a png, but this process delay almost 200 miliseconds, now i try with opencv to do same, this delay 20 miliseconds, is a huge diference, now for my kinect i deside resample the output, kinect output standard out is 1920 * 1080 px, but is not necesary on my project, so i resample to desire out and then send to HRIUpdateTexture2D, now i get a solid 40 fps with kinect half resolution i still resample kinect to 720 but with half is ok for my project!

this is good! now i can finish my job!!! yeii u

anywhy now my question is:

sometime in the future unreal fix this kind of issues? because everytime i try to integrate some hardware is incredibly problematic, maybe not hard but indeed very problematic, so in compare with unity!; unity has a lot of ready integrations and is work more and less well, so unreal has a incredibly powerfull blueprint system to allow me work much faster in videogames not this weird projects jaja

so problem here is, i use another kind of solutions like opencv, in this case because unreal dont provide me good tool for some task, fortunately just a few task. but i dont want use this kind of tricks and solutions i desire unreal can take care of everything!!!
