I need to move lots of AI characters. Around 200 or more if possible. Right now I`m using:
UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::SimpleMoveToActor(GetController(), GoalToMove);
Now, I have few questions and hopefully someone could help me to chose which way to go.
-Right now I have around 70 characters that when get spawned, they call that function above. But here is the weird thing: the World Tick stat is higher than when all those actors are not present in the scene. I`m disabling the tick with:
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = false;
Which takes me to the first question:
**>Why is the World Tick so high, even with those actors having tick disabled?
Could it be because the SimpleMoveToActor is called every tick in a global Tick call?**
And my last question. I need to move a lot of characters around with simple AI:
-Go to point.
-If close to certain actor, attack.
**>Base on this, which could be the most cost effective way to do this?
Do the functions in C++ and play with overlaps, not using tick in these moving actors?
Use the AI system from unreal engine with blackboards?**