Best way to make police flashing lights (Mobile in Mind)

I was wondering if anyone was willing to help me determine the best way to make flashing lights for police vehicles. My current vehicle has multiple lights and I need to make them flash in random order and without using up a lot of memory on the game. Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Hi there, I made a quick material example of one way to achieve this, the performance should be OK for mobile. And if you can afford it, or use it on another platform, should look realllyyyy nice with bloom enabled.

This was the result, but you can of course tweak it to your liking and improve it, I only spent a minute.

There are two boxes that have been scaled outwards, and I put a material instance of the material I made on each, and increased the offset on one. As you can see you can also change the blinking speed and colors used.


And this is the material setup:

Enjoy! :slight_smile: Let me know if you have any issues or it’s insufficient.

Hi! I have 2 options:

  1. Add PointLights as components to your VehicleBlueprint and change their parameters( Color,Intensity) via Timeline(loop). Disable CastShadows.
  2. Use EmmisiveMaterial make scalar Parametr use it as multipler for EmmisiveColor. You can change this Parametr in Blueprint, get TimeNode in your material graph change TimePeriod in node details to period of flashing(or connect TimeNode to FracNode or Sin) connect this to your multipler then to EmmisiveColor. Set multipler to 0 or to 1 to control flashing. You can allow to Use Emissive for Static Lighting if you want to cast lighting into the world.

These are both good answers, I will try all of these to see which one has the best performance on mobile since there could be up to 10 cop cars on one screen at a time. Thank you for you help!!!

These are both good answers, I will try all of these to see which one has the best performance on mobile since there could be up to 10 cop cars on one screen at a time. Thank you for you help!!!