Hello, I am new to Unreal Engine coming from Unity, and am having some difficulty understanding and implementing the whole Player Controller / Pawn setup.
Say I want to have 4 local players on my PC, each with an xbox controller, controlling 1 character each (shared top down camera).
My understanding is that I would need to do the following:
- create a Pawn blueprint which has the
model etc as components, and
behaviours (e.g. move forward, shoot
etc) - create a PlayerController blueprint
which handles input - drag 4 Pawns into the scene
- drag 4 PlayerControllers into the scene
- set each PlayerController instance to take input from a different player index
- get each PlayerController to possess a pawn
Alternatively I could make the PlayerControllers spawn and possess pawns when the game begins, I am unaware of the pros/cons of either approach though.
If this is correct, can someone please provide a blueprint example of how to route the input received in the player controller to the behaviours defined in a possessed pawn (or at least point me in the right direction)? Otherwise I would love to hear what I’m doing wrong and hear an alternative solution.