Benefit to Using Foliage Instances Over Placing

Hi all,

I’m working on an absolutely huge 3km square map and I’ve filled about 1/3rd of it with foliage and basic countryside assets.
I have received no performance drops despite clocking over 50,000 of each type of foliage - with about 35 different foliage meshes.
I’m also finding the same through my use of Splines.

My question is this:
Even if I’m not placing foliage, is it better performance-wise to put meshes like Oil Drums and Sandbags and even houses into the foliage painter, then paint them in as instances, then rearrange them with the select tool over manually placing them with the static mesh placer? What gives better performance?

If so, I’d happily swap to putting everything in through the instancer. Are there any downsides or upsides to this?


Vertex painting cant be used when foliage painted, and the assets basically need to be static (if you want doors on the house to open/close, you’ll have to manually place the doors separate from the static building).

Hi Iller
According to the documentation, wich is the only thing I can talk about since I have not used the foliage system personally other than messing around, placing the static meshes on the level with the foliage is the best way to do it at real time performance wise: It unites groups of meshes in clusters, wich will be rendered at the same time making this process more efficient, all the objects on a cluster will be drawn on screen at the same time. The editor gives you the chance to define the size of the cluster and the cuantity of static meshes each cluster will have along other things.

Foliage Tool | Unreal Engine Documentation

from what you have tested, I’d say, if you were to subtitute the foliage meshes, you would have a bad performance.