In pacman the ghosts have 4 behaviors: aggressive, ambush, patrol and random.
How would you do design this “behaviour selecting” in ue4’s behaviour trees? I’m not wondering about how to implement each behaviour, but how can the behaviour tree use one behaviour or the other, and handle a behaviour change.
a) When ghosts are spawned, set a “personality” variable to one of the 4 behaviors. Then set a blackboard value with this personality value and sequence with "key is " as a decorator that then runs the appropiate Behaviour Tree.
b) Create different behaviors and set them at spawn, swaping them whenever the behavior needs to change.
c) Code every behaviour inside the IACharacter class (or a child of it) with behaviour assigned
d) Set a “personality” gameplay tag and add it to each actor. Then, in the BT query it and choose the appropiate behaviour.
e) Other options?