Someone plz help me, The wait task node in the bahavior tree seem to be neglected. as shown in the pic, the wait node between damage player node and ret set player seen node are skipped every time and I cant figure out why, same as the wait node between move to node and reset hasheardsound node, however, the last wait node on the ride side of the tree works normally, I just cant figure out what’s wrong.
I see that you have placed a decorator that aborts “lower priority” nodes in both cases. This means that if your decorator returns true, any nodes to the right of the executing node will be aborted. So for example, if your DamagePlayer task is successful and at some point between that and the “Wait” node the key “PlayerActor” is set (if you’ve set the decorator Notify Observer to “On Value Change”), both the “Wait” and “Reset Player Screen” node will be aborted.
Have you verified if that’s the cause of your problem?
A Sequence would fail if a child returns false. Can you show the screenshot of the tasks that are ignoring the Delay? It might be that the Damage or Move To tasks to the left are returning False, which means that it would never go to the delay node.
Make sure that your Finish Executes for those two tasks are ticked.
Thank U for reply, you are basically right.
Thank U for your reply, but I suddenly come to realize the problem is caused by a stupid mistake I made, The “Abort lower priority” decorator means the decorated node will override the nodes on the right and their child, I don’t think it will affect the child of it’s own.
The reason why this problem occur is because the custom node on the left side of the wait node, I forgot to check the success check box in that node, which made this node always considered executed unsuccessfully even if it did what I expected it to do. If a child of a sequence node returns false then all it’s sibling on the right won’t be executed and this sequence will be considered executed unsuccessfully.
I hope others won’t made the same mistake.
You are a beautiful human being. Thank you