Behavior Tree that worked in 4.6 doesn't work in 4.7

I had a behavior tree with an enemy character working “perfectly” in 4.6. I upgraded to 4.7, created a copy of the 4.6 project and the behavior tree doesn’t work any more.

I created a video of the issue Here

I also uploaded the files to my dropbox that you can find Here

If I’m missing any files that you need, let me know. I’m pretty sure I got them all. The files were from the 4.7 project, but I can get you the ones from the 4.6 project if you need them.

Thanks for the help! Looking forward to seeing you guys at GDC!

Hi Charlie,

I’m sorry that it’s been a few days. Have you tried this after the 4.7.1 hotfix? Also, 4.7.2 hotfix will be dropping shortly. It’s possible it may fix the issue for you.

Hi Charlie,
It seems your decorators aren’t working. Did you read a latest changelist and instruction how to fix them?

ReceiveConditionCheck has been changed to return a value (no longer requiring user to call FinishConditionCheck) which resulted in it no longer being possible to use it as a plain blueprint event. Now users will need to re-implement this even like a function (there’s an option to generate this implementation in Blueprint UI). Blueprint editor may have an issue with creating ReceiveConditionCheck implementation while the old ReceiveConditionCheck event is in the event graph, so we recommend deleting all old ReceiveConditionCheck occurrences, saving all Blueprints, restarting the editor and implementing the new ReceiveConditionCheck. Sorry for the hassle!

I didn’t read the entirety of the release notes. I’ll give this a shot. Thanks!

So Pierdek hit the nail on the head. It was in the Decorators. The implementation has changed. In this case I need to use the Override Function - PerformConditionCheckAI for the two decorators that I had in the behavior tree. Once I did that it works!! Thanks!