Behavior Tree doesn't seem to be grabbing an Integer value from my Character

Hello. I am terribly stuck on something in my behavior tree and I need assistance. I am unable to get the tree to read and store a value. I must be doing something fundamentally wrong here.

Here is the Integer I am trying to grab: AI Value. This is located in the Character BP.

I am then getting a reference to it and pulling it in a BT Task, then assigning as Blackboard Key:

Then, it SHOULD have the integer value assigned to the Blackboard Key, and used to determine this:

What am I doing wrong? It ALWAYS goes to zero even if it isn’t set to zero.

Is the blackboard key public? Make sure the eye symbol is opened on it.

I’m not sure what you mean. Here are some shots of the key:

Is AI Value public?


Hey @Re4verbot!

Did you make absolutely sure the key name is spelled the exact same as the value, with capitalization and spaces (even at the end) being the same? That’s a big hangup for a lot of folks!

Yes, still does not hold the value.