Behavior Tree Decorator/Selector Only Runs the First Decorator

Hi! I really need some help with my behavior tree. I’ve done some troubleshooting and it seems as if my selector/decorator only ever runs the first option, even if the data isn’t valid. For example: my game has relationship ranks, so if a character has relationship rank 4, the character should say “you are my friend.” But instead, it always does the result for relationship rank 0 “I HATE YOU!” (I’m in the testing phase, okay…) But if I switch whichever one is run first, it’ll go to that rank. By all accounts, I do believe it should display the right message.
Here’s a video showing everything you need to see:

Thank you so much for your time, I would appreciate help so much!

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Hey @Maximum.Dino!

When you’re setting the blackboard value, do you have the key labeled EXACTLY the same? No extra spaces, etc? Can you show us that?

Thanks! :slight_smile: