Behavior Tree and NavMesh for Vehicles?

I’m redoing our wheeled vehicles for Chaos and Enhanced Input and was going to add the AI logic for them to be used when player is not controlling. I was going to roll my own as I have for Flight Pawns, but thought I would first ask if the state of Navmesh and Behavior Tree can handle wheeled vehicles yet. It used to be several revs back that it could not, presumably because these pawns move very quickly over large expanses. My current plan was to program the locomotion and waypoints.

I would like to verify, before spending a couple of weeks, if AI functionality for wheeled vehicles can be implemented with NavMesh and Behavior Tree/Tasks as we have our ground pounder humanoid AI, or if as of 5.3, it’s still not ready for that. I was putting off the Vehicle AI on the chance that Epic would cover it with UE5.

Just looking for an educated opinion. Thanks in advance.

Edit: If no one knows about this and people are not using a large navmesh for vehicle AI, I have to presume it’s still not an option. Please post back on this if you have any information to the contrary or confirmation.