BEAT EM UP GAME - How to make a simple AI move to like behavior from scratch (without navmesh)?

I have a BEU template I’m working on. I want to simply have a box collision on an enemy character, and if the player overlaps it, the enemy moves toward the player (enemy from an idle pose to walking pose).

Considering I want to try to do this without using a nav mesh. What nodes do you recommend?


Add Movement Input or Add Input Vector - feed them desired direction. You may want to query distance and stop applying input once the enemy is close enough.

  • in the enemy BP:

That is awesome Everynone, thank you!

Works great! For anyone else attempting, I also had forgot to make my duplicated animation BP (from third person character animation BP) unique for the character.

My character was sliding but not animating, had to make a new cast and promote it to variable for obj reference and hook that up where needed.

Haven’t replied in awhile, life had me down for a bit… I noticed this worked decent but the “AI” player just kept coming for me indefinitely. The solution was pretty simple, I just had to add a upon component end overlap node for the detection box and feed that exec to the close pin on the gate.