The invisible static mesh, or any non-static component parented to a joint on the skeleton, stored as a variable should work. Also, you can just use the joints on your skeleton. A socket should work for you, not sure why it wouldn’t, this is the best way to do it IMO as you can define the fwd axis very easy with a socket, and use a socketName in a blueprint as your spawnEmitterAttached location.
Could you explain “Emit the Laser From That Mesh”.
I understand what you mean, but from [Spawn Emitter] node… Location is vector. And not sure how I would attach a mesh to a vector?
I believe my Particle [P_electricity_arc] from Content examples may be the issue. It appears the particle effect, source is right in the middle of the laser beam. I am not sure how to stretch this laser beam outward to a mouse point.
I am trying to do this off the top of my head without a sample game running local, but I believe this setup should get you going…
You will need some variables for your Beam Source, and Beam Target…Depending on your game I would handle it something like this. I included cast to character and cast to skeletal mesh to show you how you can get the socket location by casting…I don’t know your specific case so you’ll have to experiment.