Beam particule twitching when moving the mous


So I made a lot of lines with the particle system. I set in c++ the target and source which works fine but the lines are twitching only when I move the mouse.
I also would like to put the lines behind the nodes but they don’t stay behind.


C++ code to add the beam and set the target/src :

FVector src = FVector(currentNode->GetActorLocation().X, currentNode->GetActorLocation().Y, currentNode->GetActorLocation().Z);
                    FVector dst = FVector(rightLink->GetActorLocation().X, rightLink->GetActorLocation().Y, rightLink->GetActorLocation().Z);
                    UParticleSystem* sys = currentNode->linkSystem;
                    UParticleSystemComponent* link = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(World, sys, FTransform(src),0);
                    link->SetBeamSourcePoint(0, src, 0);
                    link->SetBeamTargetPoint(0, dst, 0);