Beam Particle Target Actor Offset


We are using the Beam Particle Effect with a Target module set to Actor.

My question is; is there any way to add an additional fixed offset to the final target position? Many of our actors have their origins at their base and so our beams are targeting the base of the actors which looks incorrect. We’d rather have the target more centrally situated on the actor. Is there any way to add an additional offset?

P.S. we don’t want to use the “User Set” target type as our actors move and we don’t want have additional tick functions to continually update the beam target.



Answering my own question here, but for anyone else who would like to do this in the future…

There is a particle system module called Beam > Beam Modifier which allows you to modifiy either the source or target of the beam. I fixed my issue by simply creating a Beam Modifier and using the “Modify” type and adding the required offset from the origin of the actor to its center.



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