Beam emitter: undesired 90 degree material rotation?


I’ve made a material for lighting, which is a procedural material ( I cannot just rotate a few textures 90 degrees in order to fix my problem). This material shows the lighting i wish to make in its desired vertical orientation.

When I place this material in my beam emitter (I’d like it to use this material vertically from point A to point B, and fill up between), set my source and target so that the particle is to move downwards, my material is rotated.

This way I am unable to create the effect that I want.

Is there an easy way to work around this? Am I missing the evident solution?

Any help will be much appreciated!


Your material needs to have the mask run horizontally. That’s just the way the generated beam UVs read. The direction of the final effect is determined by the Source and Target of the beam so it will point where you want in the end but the material must be horizontal.

I would assume the Particle Editor looks that way due to the source module maybe being set to something like 50, 50, 50 or such for the Constant. Without seeing it all it is hard to know.