Barrier Device Doesn't Work


At Random moments the “barrier device” material will disappear from players screen. Also if you crouch at the corner of a barrier you will glitch outside of it. That has been a bug for like over 5 month surprise no one reported it.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

If you just walk around your map or get closer to the “barrier device” the material on it will disappear.

If you crouch at the corner of the “barrier device” you glitch outside of it 100%

Expected Result

You should always see the “barrier device” material.

You should not be able to glitch outside of a “barrier device”.

Observed Result

Players can’t see the "barrier device "materials.

Players glitch outside of the “barrier device” .


PlayStation – PS5, PS4
Xbox – Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One
Nintendo Switch

Island Code


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Additional Notes

you can’t see the “barrier device” material in the first video cause obviously there is a bug


@Flak please fix this before the update


Its been like this ages i dnt get how these things just stop working and then take 3 months to fix :frowning:


This is already being tracked, FORT-852443. You can follow the status here Barrier Zone Disappear When Far Away - #3 by AtAshTag