Ball spawner device inaccessible in Verse

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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The ball spawner device is literally inaccessible in Verse. For some reason, the @editable doesn’t allow me to choose the ball spawner device in the editor, and the tags don’t work either (similar to the volume device, which is another issue).

Steps to Reproduce

Put a ball spawner device in your world and create a new verse script. Try using @editable Ball : ball_spawner_device = ball_spawner_device { } and compile your code. If you go into the editor, you’ll see the @editable under the creative device’s properties, but you cannot select any ball spawners.

You can also try it with the tags - add a tag, add 2 props/other devices and a ball spawner. Print the length of the table and it should print 2, even though it should be 3 - but obviously the ball spawner doesn’t count for some reason.

Expected Result

The ball spawner should be selectable in UEFN with @editable as well as with tags.

Observed Result

Neither @editable nor tags work.



This problem still exists.
The problem is probably that the new ball-sponer device and the old ball-sponer have not been updated.

The status of FORT-737239 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

Bug is still happening