Baked static lighting loses color under Lit mode


i’ve got several static lights in the scene with varying hues, but when i bake static my static light, i seem to lose all that color information from the lights and get a greyscale result in Lit mode except for the emissive .Detail lighting still shows the correct color information on the other hand. I assumed it was either the post process or world settings but i have environment intensity set to black and 0 and I 't have saturation checked in my my post-process.

I’ve also checked my material but it’s a very basic setup and I couldn’t find anything to suggest a fix. If anyone has any ideas or suggestion would be helpful.


Detail lighting is not always the best for figuring out how your lighting looks, can you snag a screenshot of the “Lighting Only” mode. Note this is different than detail lighting.

Docs always say detail lighting and lighting only are similar minus normal maps but I often see a huge difference in them and detail lighting is often inaccurate. Especially with baked transparent items.

I am having the same issue

I have a similiar issue. When I PIE and in the Editor view itself my baked point light has a white color, however when I look at my scene in “Lighting Only” mode then the color of my light is blue as it should be. What’s the problem? I have UE4 4.19.

best regards

Having the same issue, UE 4.19, Linux.

If I am not mistaken I think this is a current limitation of PBR rendering.

If you bake a static light on fully metallic surfaces, the surface won’t receive all of the lighting information such as the color. However if you have a stationary light then it is possible that metallic surfaces show you the proper color of your light source.

Here is a link to a similar question:

static lights lose colored specular on metallic materials

best regards

For those running into this issue, ill post my solution here since there are several issues.

Static lighting relies on diffuse. I was having a problem where I was faking gi by using emission in my underground material. The problem was that my base color was almost black and my emission was too bright. It wasn’t allowing the color to show through.