"Bake to texture" editor tool is bugged


I was trying ou the Bake to texture tool BP that comes with the engine.
I did every step according to this tutorial:

Bake To Texture

Sadly, it seems to be bugged. No matter what I select as multiplier or game window size, the output are always 446x446 png files.

Hi Klaus,

I think the problem you’re running into if you’re using the console command “ke * rendertextures” within the viewport while in play in viewport is that it’s capturing the resolution of the current viewport. You can easily test this by either doing Play in New Viewport or changing the height scale of the the viewport and see if the resolution of the images changes. It will use the height from this to create the images, which would explain the random value of the height.

It’s best to use the Editor Preferences and set a New Window Size of the texture you want or a value like 512 and then use a power of 2 multiplier value to get the texture resolution you want.

For instance, this is my setup:

  • New Window Size to 512
  • Set Multiplier Value in the RenderToTarget to a power of 2 or 1. (1 = 512, 2 = 1024, 4 = 2048, etc.)
  • Play in New Window
  • Enter console command “ke * rendertextures”

I hope this helps.



This is exactly what Im doing… to the letter
However it doesnt work.

I made a short video, covering the steps I take.


Maybe you can spot what I am missing :slight_smile:

BTW, I also noted that the multiplier slider does not stay with the numeric value (after taking the screenshots).

I don’t see anything out of the way from what I did other than you having the split 4 view and the Screenshot window opened. I don’t use the screenshot window since it only works for the current viewport and not the New Viewport Window. This is why you’re seeing the disparity there. Just use the BP section and set the Resolution Multiplier there. In older versions, it may have been required to use that method, but from what I’ve seen in the latest it’s not required. Even using the 4 view and just having a New PIE Window open I only get the 512 textures that I’ve set and following along with your video in the event I overlooked something on my end all my textures come out to the resolution I would expect.