Do you want dynamic or static shadows? Because if you are going for dynamic shadows, setting a high lightmap resolution doesn’t do anything.
If however you want to make use of lightmaps for static shadows, you should turn of Dynamic shadows in your light settings, or simply switch it from Stationary to Static.
Hi, i wanna use both static and dynamic shadows (ball, pinball sockets, …) in my project.
My light source is stationnary, my pinball is set to static, and my ball is set to movable. Both static and dynamic shadows are rendered but both the ball’s and the pinball’s shadow quality is bad, despite the good lightmap resolution (2048) ?
As you can see above, i disabled “cast dynamic shadows” and the low quality shadow on the pinball floor disapeared, but why there is no pinball floor shadow when only “cast static shadow” is on ?
Hmm, play with the settings under the tab “Cascaded Shadow Maps” > Distribution Exponent and Num Dynamic Shadow Cascades (if you want to go over 4, just type the number you want).