On the (first) image, there are two plane with BasicShapeMaterial, but the problem persists on all my meshes with my own materials. Materials like what I sent to you. These my settings what I usually use to the material:
I tried to set back the Shadow Cascaded Bias Distribution’s (SCBD) value to 0 and this problem is solved but a new is appear namely light leaking. Here is a picture about it with SCBD value 0 and 1:
I exported the meshes from the current project than I made a new one and I import them. After in the new project I set the Directional Light params as in the main project. These the params what I changed:
Mobility: Stationary → Movable
Intensity: 10 → 5 Shadow Cascade
Bias Distribution: 1 → 0 Shadow
Filter Sharpen: 0 → 1 Num Dynamic
Shadow Cascades: 3 → 4 Distribution
Exponent: 3 → 4
The end result is the same. Or the light leak or the unjustified shadows problem appears.
I made the meshes in Blender, I think there isn’t any problem with them. There wasn’t any error when I import them into the project and the UV cells aren’t overlapping each other. The problems persist not just only with my meshes because there is the plane mesh and this is a basic unreal mesh.
My last idea is something isn’t set as good in the details panel of the mesh. Should I send them to you?
I tested it as you wrote but doesn’t work, but I found another set that can replace a lot of settings with I can reach this shadow result what I want and the unjustified shadow problem is solved with this. This is the Dynamic Indirect Lighting. Thank you so much to help me!