Bad shadow from some angles

Hello! I use a movable directional light. On the meshes appear an unjustified shadows but only from some angles. Here is a picture of my problem:

On the left mesh, there isn’t any shadow problem. On the right, however, appear my problem. This problem is characteristic of all my meshes.

I don’t know what kind of information I have to give you to can help to solve my problem. So tell me please what you need.

Did you also make the material? Have you tried it with a default engine material?

I use a very simple material for the meshes like this one:


What do you mean default engine material?

What sort of settings do you have on the material ( i notice it hardly has any nodes ).

I mean try putting a default material like BasicShapeMaterial on the mesh.

Also, is the mesh a plane?

Ok, so I see the only thing you changed was ‘used with static lighting’ which doesn’t make much sense if you’re using it dynamic :wink:

But that shouldn’t matter.

What I mean is, why does you material output node only have 5 pins?

Why doesn’t it look like:

On the (first) image, there are two plane with BasicShapeMaterial, but the problem persists on all my meshes with my own materials. Materials like what I sent to you. These my settings what I usually use to the material:

I have only 5 pins because I hide the unused outputs with the Connectors button on the top.

Ok, never used that feature.

The only thing I can think of is making a minimal project and leaving a link to that here, then I can take a look.

( Do you know how to do that? )

Ahhh… have you been messing with the shadow bias on your directional light?

Try setting that back to default ( or bin the current light and drag a new one in… )

( Sorry, the setting is called ‘shadow bias’ )

I tried to set back the Shadow Cascaded Bias Distribution’s (SCBD) value to 0 and this problem is solved but a new is appear namely light leaking. Here is a picture about it with SCBD value 0 and 1:

Any idea how to solve this?

Wrong param. It’s just called ‘shadow bias’ :slight_smile:

With setting the shadow bias’s value this light leak problem is solved but the previous problem again persists.

I’m thinking you have accidentally tweaked either an engine setting, or a light setting.

Am I correct in thinking if you make a new project, this doesn’t happen?

I exported the meshes from the current project than I made a new one and I import them. After in the new project I set the Directional Light params as in the main project. These the params what I changed:

  • Mobility: Stationary → Movable
  • Intensity: 10 → 5 Shadow Cascade
  • Bias Distribution: 1 → 0 Shadow
  • Filter Sharpen: 0 → 1 Num Dynamic
  • Shadow Cascades: 3 → 4 Distribution
  • Exponent: 3 → 4

The end result is the same. Or the light leak or the unjustified shadows problem appears.

Then I have no idea, sorry.

It sounds like something to do with the meshes, if you only get the problem with your meshes.

Where did you make them? Are the UV maps ok?

I made the meshes in Blender, I think there isn’t any problem with them. There wasn’t any error when I import them into the project and the UV cells aren’t overlapping each other. The problems persist not just only with my meshes because there is the plane mesh and this is a basic unreal mesh.

My last idea is something isn’t set as good in the details panel of the mesh. Should I send them to you?

I don’t thing that’s gonna help.

In the new project, if you make a default level and place the plane mesh in there, put a grey material on it - I assume it works.

Then also place your mesh and material. If it already fails, it’s something to do with your mesh / materal.

If it works, then gradually make each of the changes you want, keeping an eye on the pair of meshes until the problem appears.

That way you can find out what’s causing the problem.

Sorry to not be more help…

I tested it as you wrote but doesn’t work, but I found another set that can replace a lot of settings with I can reach this shadow result what I want and the unjustified shadow problem is solved with this. This is the Dynamic Indirect Lighting. Thank you so much to help me!