Bad faces with geometry imported from Maya

Please help!!! Nothing I’ve tried has worked…

Hi, I’ve worked hard on a 1970 'Cuda, and I am planning on rendering it in Unreal engine. However,
when I imported the geometry, the doors & front quarter panels have some black faces. I fixed the doors by remodeling them, but it won’t work with the quarter panel.
The UV’s are good, the verts are joined, I’ve tried conforming the UV’s, etc. I even imported the FBX in 3ds Max and exporting it from Max. Nothing has fixed the problem. I’ve attached some images.
I was so hyped about using Unreal Engine and it’s raytracing, now I’m really disappointed. I live in
the Detroit area, I want to use Unreal for automotive projects, but this situation is not good.

I’m open to ideas…


Mmhhh… to be honest, to me, this does not look like bad faces, more like a material error. Wouldn´t it affect the entire polygon/face, if it is bad, and not just a tiny part of it? At least from the looks, the shapes of those spots don´t match any polygon from your wireframe.

Do they exist even after switching out the imported material with a completely new basic material made in UE?

Could you upload this car part as fbx for some testing? :slight_smile:

Hi Suthriel,

The bad faces do NOT exist with a basic material in UE. They show up when using the UE Automotive Material Pack. I’ve attached this part as an fbx for testing.

Thanks for the help! :slightly_smiling_face:
PaulQuarter_Panel_smoothed.fbx (571.7 KB)

Just tested it out in archvis project, model looks good in both lit mode and path trace mode. The model looks fine in maya 2022.
Might be a good idea to delete the automotive local content, redownload it and add to the project again overwriting everything.

Yeah, can confirm, what @ixicalibur said, this part is fine, the automotive materials however are broken. That automotive material pack constantly breaks with raytracing, and Epic never fixed it. Hint, DON`T EVEN TRY to use the included glass material, it will go completely crazy and drive you nuts -.-´ (it might look good from the front side, but don´t look at it from the rear on a curved object like a windshield ^.^)
So for now, any material is better than those automotive materials from that pack :frowning:

Tested it with one of my basic materials, looks smooth and clean :slight_smile: Oh, thats just the cheapest and free car model in the background, ignore it and it´s distorted reflections ^.^ (those might come from bad UVs, cuz cheap model)):

Well, thanks for the info and the help. I was pulling my hair trying to fix it. I’ll make my own materials.

Again, thank you! I really appreciate the help!


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Thank you for testing my data, I appreciate the help!!


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