I am working on rendering marching cubes with procedural meshes in Unreal 5.3.2 and I have an issue with shadows casted by them as shown in the screenshot below.
The OP had a similar problem and turned off virtual shadow maps.
Even in the documentation it states of vsm’s
“Low poly geometry with high curvature and smooth normals can exhibit artifacts”. I think this might be the case where it’s showing.
The doc mentions using the command r.Shadow.Virtual.NormalBias with a parameter of 1 to try to mitigate these types of problems.
The bias doesn’t have a big impact on performance. It just shifts the shadow map either away or towards the object. Just be sure to check with another object or character to see if their shadows don’t look strange on higher values (you can either have shadow separated from mesh or bad self shadowing depending on the offset)