Bad Body Instance Because of Z Scale is 0.1 ??

So, I have an actor that has 0,001 as its Z Scale value. Unreal throws this whenever this actor is spawned:

X has a component set to zero, which will result in a bad body instance. Scale:X=1.550 Y=1.550 Z=0.000

It is pretty obvious that Z Scale should not be 0, that is fine. However, my component is merely a point click indicator. Player’s character goes to the same location where this actor is spawned on mouse click and it enables player to see their destination on the world.

My game is compiling and working fine but I wanted to learn if I am doing something wrong, so, any suggestions or solutions? Is my approach to this whole functionality just downright wrong? Thanks.

P.S.: I spawn an actor on every mouse click.(Maybe re-locating would be more optimized?)

Hey @akathor01! Welcome to the forums!

So I’m not exactly sure about how to help here. The title says Z scale is 0.1 but in the post it is 0, which you say is fine. Let me ask you some questions that might get you thinking.

What is this component?

Since it is desired to be flat, would it be better off as a UMG widget that is created then destroyed?

Would it be fine at Z=0.0001?

Hey, thanks for the typo! I’ve fixed it. My Z Scale is actually 0,001 but it still throws the warning. Actor is a 2D(Without Z Scale) square box that spawns on the traversable area player clicks during gameplay. It shows the destination of the player’s character.

I haven’t thought it as a UMG widget, how would I create a UMG widget for that? Arent UMG widgets sticking to the screen? @Mind-Brain


Okay! So let’s break some things down here.

Is the square a static mesh? Would it be better off as a plane (no Z)? That way the error won’t have a reason to throw. You can replace the cube static mesh with a plane static mesh.

As far as the umg, you can spawn a widget in world space, like floating letters or a floating “A button”.

Check it out!

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Hey, yes square is a static mesh.

Hey @akathor01, sorry for the late reply- I was off yesterday.

Is the static mesh a cube? If it is, try changing it to a plane, which will totally kill the Z. Can’t throw an error that it’s not deep enough that way!

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I will try and post the result. Thanks for your help :slight_smile: