Babylon project (provisional name)

Alien weapons

Today I worked on some alien weapons:

Weapon test:


Please tell me how in Unreal Script we can have the enemy to play a custom animation whenever shot by a specific weapon? In the above example, the shock animation.

I know I need to create a custom animation node in the character animation tree, but how can I “trigger” the animation for a specific weapon? Is in the Damage Class of the weapon?

Please tell me man!!! I beg you :smiley:

Weapons aren’t using the UDK scripts, was made from 0. Each weapon has a variable with flags, so if the flag contais “E”, then plays the sock animation, called from the takedamage event.

Perhaps is more hard at the beginning, but after that is much better to write your own weapon code.

I’m changing the turn-in-place based on animtree by root motion animations. Here are a test:

It’s coming together, Cobalk. My ‘turn in place’ is about 4 frames. The character raises his feet so it adds a little realism to turning. However you’ve made ‘turn in place’ a fine art. I thought I’d leave mine with his 4frames, but I might think harder now. Thanks for sharing.

@udkultimate quick reply to your question (this isn’t my thread - please start another thread if you have more questions so we don’t mess up Cobalt’s great thread here) Call your pawn when your weapon fires. It’s as easy as: NameOfYourPawn(Owner).PlayAnAnim(); (there are of course sever var required)

In your Pawn:
simulated function PlayAnAnim()
	if( TopHalfAnimSlot != None )
	TopHalfAnimSlot.PlayCustomAnim('TheNameOfTheAnimToPlay', 0.7, 0.3, 0.3, false, true);

The turn animations may seem not very important, but they add a lot of realism to the characters.
Perhaps it’s something related to the uncanny valley.

I did some modifications to the foliage script. There was two problems with it, the foliage was random and the spawned ring can produce framerate hitches if the number of instances are high (for example with the grass).

Whit the modifications, the ring are distributed along several ticks, depending of the number of instances, the pawn velocity and the delta time. So instead spawn 100 instances at the same time, 5 or 6 are spawned every tick. Works fine with the normal pawn velocity, or when moving faster in a horse. But when the pawn is flying the speed is too high and some rings, grass overall, can be overpassed.

To solve the random, I use a “magic” number depending of the spawn position. Basically is X/Y, then I took the decimal part and reverse the numbers, to get a 0 to 9999 “random” number, but always the same for the same position. Then I use that number to apply variation to the foliage, scale, rotation, and archetype.

sounds complicated.i was just tweeking my foliage script too.what worked for my small factory map isn’t so good in a 10k map.

Why? The purpose of the script is to have only a limited number of trees around the player, so the terrain size is irrelevant.

I have a problem with the non-random way, seems that the ring sometimes are not very precise and “jump” some positions. I’m using a cuadricle for all, to determine the spawn place and the ring center, but seems when the player moves, some places between rings are no covered, depending of the movement direcction.

I have to revise all to see if there are any bug, if not I think I will test with a square instead a circle, wich is less efficient (more instances and more distance to remove them).

by not working so well I mean getting the right numbers so pop up isn’t so obvious.the factory map is pretty enclosed,the new sea map is huge and wide open.islands on the horizon where you should at least see the bigger trees.

it all works,i just have to find the right balance.

also,i have modified the original scripts to handle four physmats,which I believe is the maximum for a landscape all looks good above sea level but I have no spare physmats for below and therefore am getting trees and shrubs underwater.

im looking at some kind of height check because the sea level is always constant.

I’m using one actor per foliage type, one for grass, one for near trees, one for far trees, one for rocks, etc. Each one has parameters different, radious, max inclination, max lod, etc… I think is more practical in this way.

The market (animated gif)

And the video:

WOW man, you never stop to impress us!!!

Demo when ?

Soon, I hope.

that would be awesome!

Here are some screenshots from the new city.

More here:

This looks good.
